This week’s note from Rev. Bill

Dear Friends and Family of First UMC Bonita Springs,


               Kim and I have made it safely up to Central Florida, where we expect to move into our new parsonage this coming Saturday. There is no way we can express how much we appreciate each one of you, and what you have meant to us over the past 2 ½ years. For all of the gifts, cards, strong backs, “junk” sorting, cleaning, meals, and friendship, we thank you.


               We came at a time when we were frustrated and broken; you provided a safe place for healing again. You yourselves were reeling from multiple pastors, COVID, and frustration; God provided us for you.


               We have laughed; we have cried; we have lived with confusion and with wonder. We marched with kazoos around Jericho; we learned to appreciate the Ten Commandments; we shot off poppers; we did The Wave!


               We fed the hungry; we visited the sick; we clothed the naked; we gave water to the thirsty.


               We learned to trust again – each other, the Conference, and those whom God keeps sending to us. 


               We began the process of turning the tide of faithful finances. We hired good people to serve at our church. We weathered hurricanes and termites and spinouts in our parking lot. We prayed with our neighbors. We learned their language. We provided the best in-person and online worship that we could. 


               Kim and I will always remember this time with joy and wonder. It is with a bit of trepidation that we enter our new appointment, but we trust that the God who calls us is able to provide. 


               It is the same with you – God will continue to provide new people, new pastors, new staff, and new life for you. It might seem strange and uncomfortable at times, but if our time together has taught you nothing else, it’s that “strange and uncomfortable” often leads to the greatest accomplishments!


               I leave you with a few of my favorite sayings: 


  • Nothing given to God is ever wasted.
  • How can I pray for you?
  • No matter what you’ve done, no matter what’s been done to you – Jesus is not ashamed to call you friend. 
  • How does this help people find hope and healing in Jesus?
  • Well, that’s another sermon for another time!


Peace and grace be with you all – we love you!


  • Bill and Kim
Picture of update

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