Welcome Pastor Ben Richards

That is the day that First UMC Bonita will officially welcome Rev. Ben Richards as our pastor. You have seen his picture and his video, but this will be the first opportunity for many in the congregation to meet him. This will be his first sermon with us.  Before his sermon, though, we have plans for some more celebrating.  The Staff Parish Relations Committee will lead a special “Order for the Celebration of an Appointment” during worship time.

And what would a celebration be without coffee and cake?  During coffee time after worship, the United Women in Faith is organizing cake and other treats in Fellowship Hall. All are encouraged to join us. The women have also supplied Rev. Ben’s pantry/fridge with some basic items as he gets settled here in Bonita.


And all are encouraged to put a card of welcome in a basket for Rev. Ben.  And, if you would like to introduce some of your favorite spots in our community, feel free to add a gift card to one of those restaurants or activities.  After all, Rev. Ben comes to us from the northern part of Florida…he may not be familiar with what we here in Southwest Florida have to offer.  We do know he’s on the lookout for the best New York style pizza!

Our church family has a reputation for being welcome…so let’s put out our best welcome mat for Rev. Ben.  See you in church!

Picture of update

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