United Women in Faith December

When 18 women from First UMC gathered November 18 in fellowship hall, they planned two events for December – the annual Baby Jesus Shower on December 8 and the Christmas holiday dinner on December 16.

The Baby Jesus Shower is an opportunity for members and the congregation to purchase newborn baby items (clothing for 0-9 months), disposable diapers, lotions, wipes, etc. to be donated to area organizations helping new moms and their infants.  It’s always fun to see the cute clothing items that are donated. The items will be displayed in the fellowship hall after worship on December 8. For all those in the congregation that would like to join us in the project, you may bring your items before worship on that day as the women set up the display. If you would rather donate money to the project, we do have our “resident shopper” (Ruthann Etzkorn) who would be happy to shop for you! The UWF women will provide appetizers and desserts along with coffee, tea, and juice for the event. 

The second event is our early bird Christmas dinner at Outback Steakhouse at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 16. The women celebrated Christmas at this restaurant last year and were so impressed with the food and service that they voted to go back this year. The group does not have a business meeting in December.  All women of the congregation are invited to attend this dinner even if you have not attended our meetings. 

These two events combine two major goals of United Women in Faith here at Bonita: fellowship and mission outreach. If you would like to attend the Christmas dinner celebration, please let an officer (Susan Atkinson, Jann Mier, Kathy Schmitt) know by December 13 so we can alert the restaurant.

Picture of update

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